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Grand Garden District Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in New Orleans, LA 70115 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 11
8am to 2pm
Oct 12

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 Description & Details

Special note: we have just been informed that due to the city street repairs, parking will only be allowed on side streets (ie Amelia and Peniston) and not directly on Carondelet. Bring your own help to move furniture, bring boxes if you need them. Making deals today@ Home of late esteemed attorney features costume jewelry, kitchen small appliances, bar items, mens and ladies clothing, bunk beds and leather sofa, tons of collectibles, Pelham marionette puppets in box and vintage doll furniture, vintage JH Singer theatre imperial stories with back drops and characters (1883), antique coal scuttles, antique chairs and small...

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