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Contractor Going Out of Business /Liquidation Sale

business closing2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in New Orleans, LA 70130 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 1
9am to 3pm
Nov 2
9am to 3pm

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Cash, Venmo.
 Description & Details

Contractor Closing Business. Pictures published by 10/26/24. Early Viewing by appointments. Text only. 504-415-3291. Tools, building materials, shelving. Lots of detailed antique lumber, cypress, antique pine, beaded board wainscot, too much to list, priced to sell. Stonco light fixtures, tile, shutters, hardware, small project lathe, job lights, extension cords, ladders (step and extenension), 10” antique cast metal fluted columns. 4 New island hoods still in boxes. Bosch jobsite table saw, small makita table saw, small router table. Cleaned and palleted old bricks (approx 250). Wheel stands for trailering motorcycle, ladder jacks, pump jacks, metal sawhorses, assorted hand tools, paint pots,...

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