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Impressive Back Bay Estate: Antique Swords, Armor, English Postal Scales, Autographs, Rugs, Sports!

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Boston, MA 02215 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Apr 24
9am to 3pm
Item 1:  English Suit of Armor procured from the Vanderbilt Estate- 22" x 68": $6200

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 Description & Details

We have such an interesting sale this weekend! It is worth the trip into Boston (Kenmore Square) just to see the incredible architecture in this iconic Back Bay home! The sale is quite eclectic and features many treasures both old and new! We will begin online on Saturday, the 16th with a ONE day pick up on Sunday, April 24th! Please remember that pricing may change all the way up to the opening of the sale as we research and work with owner on the value of specific items! REMEMBER - THIS SALE WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ONLY...

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