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Nantucket Island Estate Auction

online only auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Location Nantucket, MA 02584

Sale Starts

Dec 7

Sale Ends

Dec 7
J. Keppler Lithograph "Puck The Monster Monopoly"

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1. Correctness of Description: Rafael Osona Auctions has exercised great care to catalog and describ...
 Description & Details

Rafael Osona's NANTUCKET ESTATE AUCTION Online Saturday, December 7 with LIVE Preview Dec. 5-6 from 10am-5pm 21 Washington St. Nantucket. Featuring the Estates of Anne Gardner DiVenere, the Estate of Roger Horchow, the Estate of Joly Walton Stewart, plus offereings from recently sold Nantucket Seaside Estates and Residences. An eclectic mix of Fine Art, Nantucket Art, Decor, Modern and Antique Furniture, Nantucket baskets and much more. Fine Art listed artists include works by Jan Van Der Waarden, George Armfield, Donald Jurney, Robert Stark Jr., Robert Stark III, Mortimer Wilson Jr., Anton Otto Fischer, Salvatore Colacicco, Eleanor Moore, Samuel Bruce Brown,...

Rafael Osona Nantucket Auctions

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