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The Great Estate Sale In Hartford Fill a bag $5

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Hartford, MI 49057 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 3
10am to 4pm
Oct 4
10am to 4pm
Oct 5
10am to 2pm
WW2 Japanese embroidered silk needlework

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Cash & Credit Card (3% fee) Only. No Checks Please. No Early Sales. All items sold "as is". All sales are final. Not responsible for Accidents or Injuries. Please bring your own wrapping paper and boxes!
 Description & Details

Today until 2:00 FILL A BAG FOR $5! Lots left LITS OF GREAT STUFF LEFT! This is a wonderful sale! Added more pictures 10/1 Three Round Oak Dining tables w/chairs, Roseville, Fenton, WW1 and WW11 Military items, Lots of small appliances, Desks, Vintage Bedroom furniture, Twin set of Acorn beds, Lane, Chest, Oak sideboard, Maple bedroom furniture, Victorian jewelry, Early war snapshots, Early pictures of local areas mostly Drakes Landing on Van Auken Lake, Many handicap aids, China sets, Cookware incl cast iron, Revere ware, Magnalite, Several nice baking pans, Lots of vintage Tupperware, Five flat screen tv’s, Fabulous Victorian...

Family Estate Liquidators

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