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Nov 9

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 Description & Details

CARLINE HOOKER AUCTION Saturday, November 9, 10:00 AM 820 Gulick Rd, Haslett, MI 48840 Directions: I69 to Woodbury Rd exit #98, south on Woodbury Rd/Shoeman Rd 3 miles to Gulick Rd, or M43 to Meridian Rd, north on Meridian Rd 2.5 miles to Haslett Rd, east on Haslett Rd 8/10th mile to Shoeman Rd, north on Shoeman Rd 1/2 mile to Gulick then east to the sale. The following items will be sold at public auction: GARAGE: Sears portable air compressor Old paint heat lamp NAPA spark-plug wire cabinet Propane space heater Floor jacks Stihl chainsaw Craftsman 4” bench vise...

Mel White Auctioneer

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