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Combined Estate Sale

moved offsite to store2 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Leslie, MI 49251 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 11
10am to 5pm
Aug 12

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 Terms & Conditions
ESTATE SALE TERMS: Cash Preferred. Visa; MC; Discover (Over $20.00) or Negotiable Check (No Out of S...
 Description & Details

COMBINED ESTATE SALE AT LESLIE EVENT CENTER 169 S. Main Street, Leslie, MI 49251 9:01 AM, Friday & Saturday, August 11 & 12, 2017 Sale Being Held in conjunction with the Leslie Area Annual Garage Sale. 1930’S GERMAN OAK DESK & CHAIR * 6000w GENERATOR * HUFFY BIKES * ELECTRIC FANS * HITACHI NR 90AE HEAD NAILER * VINTAGE TOYS * HALL “AUTUMN LEAF” COLLECTION * ANDROCK “GREEN HANDLE” KITCHENWARE * TOOLS ! ~ ! ~ ! 220+ PHOTOS BELOW THIS LIST ! ~ ! ~ ! ANTIQUES : Cherry Oval Dining Table w/5 Leaves; Wood Parlor Table; Oak Rocker...

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