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Livonia Estate Sale: Antiques, Vintage Tools, & More! LAST DAY 50% OFF EVERYTHING

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Livonia, MI 48150 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 1
10am to 4pm
Jun 2
10am to 4pm
Jun 3
10am to 4pm
Bi-level cedar chest/hope chest.

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 Terms & Conditions
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 Description & Details

Multigenerational estate sale. More pictures coming soon! TOOLS: Antique & vintage carpentry tools : saws, planers, hammers, hand drills, chisels, (Stanley, Disston, Yankee, Union Label, Champion DeArment, Fulton, Alves Mfg., Illinois Stamp & Mfg., North Bros, Russell Jennings, Irwin, Goodell & Pratt, PS&W, Philadelphia Tool Co., EC Atkins Co., R. Sorby Co, Mahew, Corbin, Hargrave, Columbia, Woodruff, Great Neck, Lufton Rule Co, & Craftsman), Tool boxes, Garage tool organizer, Ladders, Modern tools: Imperial & metric socket sets, screw drivers, hammers, files, c-clamps, Assorted welders tools including a Bosch angle grinder & accessories, COLLECTIBLES: Acero Fundido Guarantizado No. 22 Machete &...

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