Petersen Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 7 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Ludington, MI 49431 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, February 19th, 2025.
Feb 20
9am to 5pm
Feb 21
9am to 4pm
Feb 22
9am to 2pm

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Accept cash,checks and credit card.
Will help load when possible.
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Numbers will be handed out at 7:30am
 Description & Details

SPECIAL FEATURES Pom aluminum tree and rotating light White ceramic Christmas tree Cream separator Montgomery Wards 1970s Payday overalls Milk bottles Park dairy Waddell Carlson Sanitary Structo transport Kenner SSP 4-N-1 Chop cycles 1971 Tonka jeep fire pumper Tonka army jeep Pyrex Amish Pyrex snowflake Philbe refrigerator dish Pyrex friendship bird Pyrex old orchard Pyrex butterfly FireKing cereal bowl fall colors FireKing jadite cereal Harlequin and Fiesta dishes Corelle butterfly set Coach purse Pillsbury fun cups Wondermold flowers Ludington encyclopedia yard stick Ludington year books 1917-20 Luftanese cutlery Muzzleloaders Jewels US navy blanket Pulp Halloween pail Black cat plastic Halloween...

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