Tools, Antiques, Garden Items, Boat Items

estate sale2 day sale 4 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Northville Township, MI 48167 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, October 18th, 2024.
Oct 19
9am to 4pm
Oct 20
9am to 4pm
Vintage farm equipment, saws, ice hooks, boat items

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CASH ONLY for purchases under $100. Venmo and cash accepted for purchases over $100.

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 Description & Details

Boat Anchors

Vintage Snow skis - 2 pair

Trick water skis

Fishing poles

Vintage Hand truck

Vintage saws

Vintage ice hooks

Vintage seed planters

Vintage pully x2

Grinding wheel


Grinding Wheels

Polishing Wheel

Vintage Tools

Power Tools

Hand Tools

Tool Chest

Hack Saws

Steel Cart

Car Ramps

Vintage Measuring Devices

Taps, Dies


Lawn tools - rakes, shovels, etc

Vintage clay skeet thrower

Small plant stands and benches

Vintage oil/kerosene containers

Minnow buckets


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