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Jun 23
9am to 5pm
Jun 24
MacKenzie-Childs Large Ratton Chair w/Ottoman

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ESTATE SALE TERMS: Cash Preferred. Visa; MC; Discover (Over $20.00) or Negotiable Check (No Out of S...
 Description & Details

THOMAS & BARBARA SUKENIK ESTATE SALE 5205 Whitetail Circle, Okemos, MI 48864 Friday, June 23, 2017, 9:01 am Saturday, June 24, 2017, 9:01 am MACKENZIE-CHILDS & BAKER FURNITURE * HERSCHEDE GRANDFATHER CLOCK * LeROY NEIMAN * JEWELRY * STERLING FLATWARE * WATERFORD * QUIMPER * ART * HOUSEHOLD ! * ! * ! 250+ PHOTOS BELOW THIS LIST ! * ! * ! FURNITURE: H erschede Grandfather Clock #120 Alexander Hamilton; MacKenzie-Childs Pedestal Table; Ironware International Floor Lamp; 2 Country French Chairs with Rush Seats; Henredon Walnut Dining Set: Table, 8 Chairs, China Cabinet, and Side Board; Lloyd Loom Wicker...

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