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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Estate sale - Tools - Art Supplies & Treasures

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Rochester, MI 48307 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 13
10am to 4pm
Feb 14
10am to 4pm
Feb 15
10am to 1pm
Partially assembled replica of the iconic movie car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

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 Description & Details

YOU CAN ALWAYS GET A SNEAK PEAK AT OUR SALES AND FIND ANY PRE-SALES WE MAY OFFER BY FOLLOWING CLEARVIEW ESTATE SALES ON FACEBOOK THIS LOVELY 3 BEDROOM COLONIAL WILL BE UP FOR SALE AT THE ESTATE SALE. This is one sale you WILL NOT want to miss. Wether it’s to come look at the beautiful home up for sale, the treasures within, or just to get your picture with the car from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, this sale will be worth the trip! The 2017 Ford Fusion has 28k miles and is in like new condition. The...

Clearview Estate Sales & Auctions LLC

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