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auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Independence, MO 64052 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 5
6pm to 10pm

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WE HAVE AN OUTSTANDING AUCTION THIS WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 5TH DOORS OPEN 5PM AUCTION STARTS PROMPTLY AT 6PM THIS LISTING WILL BE UPDATED MONDAY SO CHECK BACK LOTS INCLUDE: Antiques Collectibles Vintage Toys Several Good Kilim Rugs Great Costume Jewelry Hallmark Orniments Salt Glazed Stoneware Red Line Hot Wheels Early Vintage T Shirts Antique Dolls Including Scarce Miniature Dolls Pottery including Hull, Weller and MORE Cambridge Glass Nautilus Compote Signed Fenton Antique Quilts Antique Lamps EARLY KU Jahawks Felt Wall Banner ACME Pee Wee Boots LEGOS VINTAGE GI JOE ANTIQUE PEDAL CAR LOTS OF Jewelry Sports Cards AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!...

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