BB Realty and Auctions auction house

auction1 day sale 3 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Independence, MO 64056 will be available after 8:00am on Saturday, October 5th, 2024.
Oct 6
12pm to 3:30pm
1974 MG MGB complete project

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 Description & Details

BB Auctions and Realty are having a spectacular and unique auction on Sunday, October 6th. We have had items delivered from a rehab and restoration company as well as MG MGB has arrived. We also have items from a long-time autograph collector. Over 1,000 autographs including hundreds of sports autographs!!!!!!!!! We also have many, many of your favorite Hollywood star's autographs!!! We have mountain bikes, a log splitter as well as small tools too!!!!! We sure hope you will join us at our auction house location where we will have Vehicles, restoration hardware, Sports collectibles and so much more. At...

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