Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale starts tomorrow
  • Directions
    Directions. In Independence going north on 291 Highway turn right on 24 Highway. Go east on 24 Highway 2.7 miles. Turn left on Blue Mills Road. Go on Blue Mills road 2.2 miles, Turn left on Lentz Roa... 
Oct 11
9am to 4pm
Oct 12
9am to 4pm
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 Description & Details

This is a vintage home with lots of items to sell.,Antique chair. Several oil paintings by local artist. Many custom frames and pictures. Porcelain bird figurines and music boxes. Hand made handkerchiefs and doilies. Large selection of depression glass and corning ware. Nice set of silver flatware. Kitchen utensils, Pots and pans, Kitchen appliances and much more. Traditional solid butcher block. Religious books. Set of twin beds. Queen size bed w/ mirrored dresser, night stand and chest of drawers. 2-recliners. Chairs. Office desk. Vintage typewriters. Coffee table. Entertainment center cabinet w/ glass door . T/V stand w/ glass doors. Games...

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