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Weekly Thursday Evening Kansas City Estate and Consignment Auction

auction house1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Kansas City, MO 64120 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 25
5pm to 11pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Winning bidders pay 10% premium, 8.975% sales tax, NO CHECKS UNLESS WE KNOW YOU (and maybe not even then lol). We run an honest auction. We will not “bid you up”. Absentee bids accepted (5% fee).

 Description & Details

Since 2011, we've brought you auctions almost every single Thursday evening (that's a lot of auctions!). Not your grandpa's auction house, either. No cowboy hats and big belt buckles down here, or tuxedos and three piece suits, just unassuming, easy going, weekly auction house. It ain't Sotheby's - just a big warehouse in the EAST BOTTOMS of Kansas City - we turn and burn every week. Doors open at 5 - auction starts at 6. Preview every Wednesday from 11 am -1 pm. Cash, credit (3% fee), no checks unless we know you (and maybe even not then haha). Won...

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