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Great Mix Art, Modern and More in this University City Estate Sale by MoMo

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Saint Louis, MO 63132 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 10
9am to 3pm
Jun 11
10am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash, or Charge (fee only if purchase is over $500) with proper Identification. $10 minimum on cha...
 Description & Details

Sat 9-3 Sun 10-3 MoMo line numbers at 8 am House includes: - TONS of great framed artwork, including older etching, prints, paintings and more - Great Christmas selection including older ornaments, santa claus, wreaths and more - Nice Kimball Piano - Mid-Century Modern bentwood caned chairs - Mid-Century Modern Art books and other books - Nicer old oval dining set with 6 chairs - Mahogany China Cabinet - Some Lalique Glass - Waterford of all kinds - Better kitchenware including Spode, Royal Albert and others - Silverplate serving pieces - Great Rock Records - Old Fireman's Jacket - Vintage...

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