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The One for the Brazilian Missionaries

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Springfield, MO 65803 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 20
8am to 3pm
Sep 21
8am to 11:30am

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 Description & Details

NOTE: Please note the change in the sale dates and terms. They have been changed. It is now a two-day sale on Friday 9/20 and Saturday 9/21. This is a smaller sale we took on for friends. Lots of unique, fun, and cool items. Take a look at the pictures and discover some things you might want. Hurricane and Oil Lamps, Cool vintage TV cabinet (Great for a fishtank!), Lots of different size Scale Model Cars, Civil War books, Clothes, Christmas Decor, Costume Jewlery, Books, Car Magazines, Vintage String Wall Hangers, Dining room table and chairs, Apartment size washer and...

Queen City Estate Sales LLC

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