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Crouch Estate Sale - Plus Auction on Saturday at 11am

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Springfield, MO 65807 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 5
8am to 4pm
Dec 6
8am to 4pm
Dec 7
8am to 11:15am

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Our business is built on 4 core principles RICH in Ozark Mountain Heritage;
Respect, Integrity, Com...
 Description & Details

WOW! This sale has a lot of items, and all of it great quality! This is the perfect sale to pick up some Christmas gifts for all those on your list. Everything from toys (some vintage) to quality clothes, to beautiful furniture to all the kitchen things, to decor and prettys, to gorgeous crystal pieces. We've also got some patio furniture, so you're ready for when the weather gets warmer, plus some garage items that'll make the men happy. Come by to say hello and pick up some great bargains at the same time! Hope to see you! Furniture: Beds,...

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