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Green Valley Estate Sale

moving sale2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Greensboro, NC 27408 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
May 18
9am to 4pm
May 19
12pm to 4pm

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Number of guests may still be limited for social distancing.
There will be hand sanitizer and/or a h...
 Description & Details

Step into the past with our treasure-trove estate sale! Discover an eclectic mix of vintage gems, perfect for collectors and enthusiasts alike. There's something to catch everyone's eye. This sale isn't just for the antique lover—DIY enthusiasts and handymen can explore a vast selection of shop tools ideal for every project along with Arts and Crafts Supplies Galore. Featuring : 1992 Mercury Grand Marquis Furniture by: Drexel Electronics by: Technics Aiwa Hitachi Appliances by: Whirlpool Tools by: Sears Craftsman Husqvarna Bikes by: Trek Arts and Crafts Supplies: Glassware Hammered Copper Hammered Brass Cast Iron Along with Housewars Linens Collectibles Home...

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