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Photo Studio Antique Prop Sale

moved offsite to warehouse2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Greensboro, NC 27409 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
May 28
9am to 4pm
May 29
12pm to 4pm

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Per CDC guideline and the end of the Guilford County Mask...
 Description & Details

Amazing collection of antique furniture, doors, gates and windows Along with unique collectibles, decor and other props Parking in the rear of the building - entrance in the back Divider/Privacy Screens: EIGHT Panel Leather Panel FOUR Panel Floral Carved Wood SIX Panel Equestrian THRE Panel Floral SIX Panel Oriental Other Cool Stuff: LARGE Ornate Ironwork Panels Wooden Pillars Ornate Pillars Vintage Picnic Chairs Antique Wardrobe Bone Inlay Floral Doors Antique Ludwig Piano Fireplace Mantle with Mirror Gold Leaf Pediment Decor Antique Cradle Seasoned Butcher's Block Artwork and Vintage Advertisements Antique Leather Trunk English Saddle Antique Warehouse Cart Wall Art Vintage...

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