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Fanciful Hamilton Forest Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Greensboro, NC 27410 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 5
9am to 4pm
Nov 6
12pm to 4pm

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Number of guests may still be limited for social distancing.
There will be hand sanitizer and/or a h...
 Description & Details

Beautiful Home Stocked With A Variety of High End Finds, Keepsakes and Collectibles Furniture by: Lane Gus Hampton Bay Jessica Charles Hancock & Moore Toys: Lego Creator Sets Model Airplanes Hess Collector Trucks Board Games Stuffed Animal Dolls Frontline Figures - Die Cast Soldiers Sligh Grandfather Clock Home Decor: Wall Art Oil on Canvas Area Rugs Electronics by: Sony Sonos Olevia Saitek Housewares by: Kitchen Aide Breville Cuisinart GIANT - OCR3 Bicycle Cannondale CAAD9 Bicycle Yakima Bike Carrier LeMond Stationary Bike Outdoor Decor Outdoor Furniture Yard Tools Weight Bench And MORE .... ALOT MORE!

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