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Mid Century Modern Marvel

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Greensboro, NC 27410 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 5
9am to 4pm
Aug 6
12pm to 4pm

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Number of guests may still be limited for social distancing.
There will be hand sanitizer and/or a h...
 Description & Details

Secluded and Finely Appointed Home in the Upscale Hamilton Forest Neighborhood FULL of Amazing Mid Century Furniture, Stunning Original Artwork and Contemporary Area Rugs. PARKING IS LIMITED WE'VE CLEARLY MARKED PARKING SPACES IN THE DRIVEWAY UTILIZE SIDE STREETS AND BUSINESS LOTS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE RODMAN ROAD - SEVEN OAKS - WESTMINSTER CHURCH HAPPY CAMPER ESTATE SALES IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TICKETS OR TOWING Original Artwork by: Yonatan Sylvia Cohen Syril Frank Ester Shahaf Furniture by: Thayer (Coggin Chairs) Area Rugs From: Rahmanan China by: Mikasa Hall Pottery Barn Royal Worcester Royal Albert Collectibles by: Chatham Glass Royal Crown...

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