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Turner Grove Downsizing

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Greensboro, NC 27455 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Apr 20
9am to 4pm
Apr 21
12pm to 4pm

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 Description & Details

AMAZING home FULL of Extraordinary Art, Fantastic Furniture, a HUGE Collection of books and More Featuring: Harpsichord by Robert L. Wilson Furniture by Kindel Henredon Sligh Bradington Young Goodwin Henkel Harris Baker Rowe Vanguard Salem Square Hickory Chair Lane China by: Wedgewood Jupiter Royal Doulton Myott Churchill Spode Mikasa Old Staffordshire Tirschenreuth Noritake - Folkstone Boonton Pottery by : Evelyn Unger Rookwood Wall Art: Pastels Watercolors Signed Prints Oil on Canvas Original Works Giclees Artists Include: Lebadang M. Blahove Erte Quan Sun Susan Gill Evalynn Pierpoint Gill Bob Timberlake Musical Instruments by: G. Otto Orth (1953) Electronics by: Apple McIntosh...

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