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Lake Jeanette Time Capsule

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Greensboro, NC 27455 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 22
9am to 4pm
Jun 23
12pm to 4pm

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 Description & Details

Mid Century Modern Time Capsule (Don't Let the Outside Fool You) FULL of the GREAT Finds, Furniture and MORE! Furniture by: Drexel Stanley Broyhill Lane China by: Knowles Electronics by: Sony Panasonic Technics Infinity Small Appliances by: Mr. Coffee Waring Black & Decker Fraternity/Sorority Badges by: Alpha Tau Alpha Phi Kappa Phi Along with: Housewares Wall Art Collectibles Posters Lighting Books Upright Piano Vintage Sheet Music Pounded Aluminum Silverplate Tupperware Pyrex Slides Cameras and Equipment Vintage Playbills Wedgewood And More....SO MUCH MORE!

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