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Estate Sale- Cleaning up the Farm!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Madison, NC 27025 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5
7am to 12pm
Oct 6
11am to 3pm
Sale Saturday & Sunday we are off of Bald Hill Loop Rd. In Madison, NC watch for signs.

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 Terms & Conditions
*No Holds- First Come First Serve * *This is a Cash Only SALE* * All Items Must Be Picked Up Prior to end of Sale* * All items are being sold "as is where is." * Make sure items are working and you have all parts prior to purchase and leaving the Sale.* * Not Responsible for accidents or Injury. *
 Description & Details

Sale inside Farm Buildings - Rain or Shine! TOOLS! Lots of Stuff!!! Farm Equipment!! This is a working Persons SALE!! Thousands of USA made Bolts, Washers, Nuts, Lag Bolts, New- Old Stock. Antique Tools, Wood Working equipment, Modern Tools, Antique Blacksmith Shop (Yes! We found all of the pieces! Too numerous to mention. House Plants, Outdoor furniture, 3 Dining tables with chairs, new gas stove, & so much more!! So, IF you are a hard-working person/ Collector, This SALE is for you! Madison NC 27025 - We are off of Bald Hill Loop Rd & Martin Farm Rd. (2 miles...

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