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Estate Sale By E.Matthews in Matthews Sat is Discount day off Potters Rd

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Matthews, NC 28104 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 1
9am to 1pm
Nov 2
9am to 1pm
All parking on the street 
you will have to walk down a long driveway -
And is for driveway for loading only 
Thank you

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 Description & Details

Estate Sale by E. Matthews in Matthews off Potters Rd 28104 Nov. 1-2 -Sat is 50% Discount day 9-1 only Google maps does not bring you in the right way. We are off Potters Road with two big signs out front. please park one side of street only in front of house. Lots of nice Vintage Wicker Lots of small outdoor tables Schwinn fan exercise bike 1- Banker Chair 1- pair of rustic vintage sconces 2- sets of andirons Vintage items and decor Lamps and some art Small chest freezer works well Some antique Mason’s China Other home decor Some...

Estate Sales By E. Matthews

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