Windsor Run ON-LINE Estate Sale
online estate sale•23 day sale •sale is over
Sale Starts
May 21
Sale Ends
Jun 12
Seller only accepts major credit cards.
Pick up times are : Sunday May 28th 12:30 1:30
Saturday June 10th 12:00-1:00 Tuesday June 13th. 10- Noon
Please call or text to confirm pick up time or to schedule a pick up time if you can not come on scheduled dates 704-605-0365
We do not have anyone that can help load so please bring help for heavy items.
Saturday June 10th 12:00-1:00 Tuesday June 13th. 10- Noon
Please call or text to confirm pick up time or to schedule a pick up time if you can not come on scheduled dates 704-605-0365
We do not have anyone that can help load so please bring help for heavy items.
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