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Quilting, Sewing & More in Mint Hill

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Mint Hill, NC 28227 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 24
9am to 2pm
Jan 25
9am to 2pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Sign up sheet for Friday will be at the front door after 9:00am on Thursday
Sign up sheet for Saturday will be put out Saturday morning around 8:00
No online sign up is available.
Signing up ahead of time is only necessary if you want to be one of the first inside. You can sign up when you get there Friday morning and you will still get in.
No prices before the sale and no presales.
 Description & Details

Long arm sewing machine Singer Featherweight sewing machine Several other sewing machines Sewing supplies Tons of fabric, from rolls to scraps Quilts Televisions Dining table with chairs China cabinet Kitchen table and chairs Vintage hutch Vintage oil lamps Chairs Couch Kitchen items Cleaning supplies Several motorized wheel chairs Garage items Many more pictures will be posted during the week as we set up. Tuesday 1-21 - the sewing room is still a work in progress. Many more pictures will be available tomorrow afternoon.

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