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Salisbury Downsizing

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Salisbury, NC 28146 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 13
9am to 4pm
Jan 14
12pm to 4pm

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Number of guests may still be limited for social distancing.
There will be hand sanitizer and/or a h...
 Description & Details

Fantastic Well Appointed Farmhouse FULL of the Essentials for EVERYONE! Furniture by: Drexel Heritage American Drew La Z Boy Sity Slicker Rugs by: Capel China by: Pfaltzgraff Fukugawa Vernonware by Metlox CTS - Eternal Harvest J&G Meakin Kitchen Appliances by: Oster Keurig George Forman Sunbeam Electronics by: Sony Brother Xbox Playstation Nintendo Aiawa Vizio RCA Bikes by: Schwinn Raleigh Collectors Cards: Baseball Basketball Football PGA Along with: Housewares Home Decor Linens and Quilts Wall Decor Antique Furniture Pocket Knives Board Games Books Tom Clark Gnomes Depression Glass Carnival Glass Fender Squier Jazzmaster Guitar Holiday Decor Roto-Bin Nail Bin Pottery Stoneware...

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