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Burns Estate Tag Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Tarboro, NC 27886 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 17
8am to 5pm
Feb 18
12pm to 5pm

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This is a two-part tag sale. All tags are two-part numbered, priced, perforated and printed with ite...
 Description & Details

This is quite likely the largest Estate Sale ever held in Tarboro, over 2000 lots. Do not miss this sale! Being an outstanding collector of Fine Art, Sterling Silver, Ceramics, Oriental Rugs and Decorative Arts accumulated over many years of international travel collecting and operating their Antique Shop “Above and Beyond!” in Tarboro, NC, this estate is packed with many beautiful items. Antique Furniture: Hepplewhite Style Sideboard, Banquet Table, and set of ten chairs, English William & Mary Drop Leaf Table, Two Chippendale Chests of Drawers, French Style Vitrine, Wellesby Grand Piano and much more., Oriental Rugs: Persian Heriz 9’1”...

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