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Mt Holly Estate Sale 2 Days

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Mount Holly, NJ 08060 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jul 21
8am to 3pm
Jul 22
8am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Hours are 8-3 both days.
There will not be tickets distributed at this sale.
Bathroom is not available.
Please brings bags, wrapping materials, boxes
If you expect to purchase furniture, you'll need a strong helper and the right vehicle for transporting furniture.
You might also need to bring tools, so you might as well be prepared.
We do not offer delivery.
 Description & Details

Mid Century, MCM, ANTIQUES,, Good Paintable Furniture,, Rose Painted China,, R.S. Prussia Colored Glass, Cups & Saucers, Wedding & Farmhouse Props,, Crystal, Candlewick, Figurines,, Vintage Linens, Old Lighting,, Paintings & Prints, Frames,, Hand crafted Items, Ceramics,, Pottery, China, Christmas & Holiday Decorations,, Angels, Costume Jewelry, Tools, Trunks,, Percolators, Pots & Pans, Dishes,, Silverware, Sewing Machine & Notions,, Books, Old Curioosity Shop,, Cameras, Vinyl, Pyrex,, Basement & Shed, Rust,, Projects, Tools, Lawn Mower Parts,

Medford Company Store Estate Sales

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