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High End Antique Furniture Sale

by appointment4 day sale sale is over
  • Address This sale in Newton, NJ 07860 is a "By Appointment" sale. Please see sale info below for details.
Jul 21
9am to 6pm
Jul 22
9am to 6pm
Jul 23
10am to 6pm
Jul 24
10am to 6pm

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 Terms & Conditions
By appointment only. Call Sandra to schedule an appointment. (773) 895 1556.

Sale will run continuously through mid August. Appointments available 6 days a week except for Wednesdays.

Please have multiple times and dates available for appointment. Appointment must be confirmed by seller.
 Description & Details

Item Descriptions & Price Suggestions - 9' Spenser Marsden "Venetian" Billiards Table: 2 inch thick Italian slate, leather cushion corners, Queen Anne legs, felt in excellent condition. Includes billiard equipment & cover. Suggested Price: 3000.00 - Billiards Spectator Bench w cupholder and pool key holder. Approx. 42x20x48. Suggested Price: 300.00 - Antique Billiard Scoreboard, solid wood with chalkboard. Approx. 20x35. Suggested Price: 75.00 - Tiffany Style 4 light billiard table lamp (light bulbs need replacing) Suggested Price: 300.00 - Tiffany style stained glass shade on French vintage art Nouveau style bronze gilded table lamp base. Suggested Price: 250.00 - Early...

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