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ESTATE WORKS Presents - Sophisticated Collections, High-End Design in GARRISON NY

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Garrison, NY 10524 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 28
9am to 3pm
Aug 29
10am to 3pm
Mottahedeh "Blue Canton" tureen with platter, Set of (10) faux bamboo white dining chairs - good condition, sprayed-on lacquer finish Chinese style red dining table, tons of blue and white pottery (many old, some new).

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WE'RE BACK! Save the date for our first in-person sale in over a year! We've been conducting business primarily online during COVID but this weekend, AUG 28-29, we're pleased to welcome our customers back to a fabulous estate sale in beautiful Garrison NY. #masksrequired We'll post additional details and photos here all week -- address will be posted this Friday before the sale. FURNITURE: Incredible Chinese-style red sprayed on lacquer finish dining table, Set of (10) white Louis XIII-style armchair, pair oval back Louis XVI-style armchairs (late 19th c.), Nice vintage sofa table / desk (great size), pair of 1950s...

Hudson Valley Estate Works

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