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Estate Sale 150 Sturges St. Jamestown, NY 14701 Thursday, Oct. 3rd & Friday Oct. 4th 9am to 5pm, Saturday, 5th 9am to 3pm Clean Quality Furnishings, Antiques, Tools & General Household Items! Reclining Sofa, Pair of Oak End Tables, Recliner, Large White Rocker, Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Misc. Small Tables & Stands, Seth Thomas Wall Clock, Bookcases, Stereo & Misc. Electronics, CDs, DVDs, Computer Desk, Lots of Jewelry, Watches, Pocket Knives, Coins, Sterling Silver Rings & Necklaces, Vintage Cameras, Marbles, Early Auto Lantern, BB Gun, Coat Tree, Knotty Pine China Cabinet with Matching Table & (6) Chairs, Sets of China,...
Hallenbeck Antiques & Estate Sales
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