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Antiques, Collectibles & Woodworking Shop Auction

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Oct 6
10am to 5pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Terms: Full payment due day of Auction by Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Debit Cards. Checks w/Bank Letter of Guarantee.15% Buyer’s premium. All sold in “AS IS” condition. Subject to errors and omissions. Bring your own lunch. Driver’s license required for bidding number. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Auction: #8524/24. Brzostek's Auction Service, Inc.
 Description & Details

Antiques, Collectibles & Woodworking Shop AUCTION Lifetime Collection of the Estate of John & Victoria DuChene 3781 Prospect St. (Rt. 365A), Oneida, NY 13421 (West of Rt. 365 (State St.), E. of Main St. (Rt. 46) SUN., OCT. 6, 10 AM Preview: 9-10 AM Auctioning Antiques to include: Carved Column Mahogany 2 dr. Mirrored back China cabinet, Oak curved glass China cabinet, Oak S-curve roll-top desk, Pine corner cupboard, rd. Oak table, Pine pie safe, 1 drw. Stands, Oak spindle back chair, 2 Empire side chairs, carpet rocker, Oak Morris chair, Walnut Victorian White marble top stand, sofa, recliner, Pine...

Brzostek's Auction Service, Inc.

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