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Sandra Gering Fine Arts, NYC

online only auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Location Quogue, NY 11959

Sale Starts

Oct 8

Sale Ends

Oct 8
Karim Rashid, Five Drawings, Framed

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 Description & Details

Forerunner of the 1990's New York City art world, Sandra Gering Fine Art, was established in 1988. The Gallery, located at 14 West 11th Street, in Greenwich Village, Doubled as both exhibition space and her personal residence where she showed works and represented artists that created a dialogue separate from the "high commercialism of the art of the 80's". The architect and designer of the space was Mark Zeff. What set Sandra aside from her contemporaries were her Avant, cutting edge choices all which rang close to her personal vision as art as a holistic process and "as a return...

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