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Quality Estate Sale held by Michael Anthony Estate Sales

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Stafford, NY 14143 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 22
8am to 4pm
Nov 23
8am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Debit and credit,no checks credit over $20, all items to be paid for before removal.Bring help to l...
 Description & Details

Items for this sale so far,more still being unpacked. In the barn,porcelain sign (Goodrich Airplane Tires), License plates, Wheel Horse riding mowers, Blacksmith tools, Block and tackles, Canoe, Rare fishing lures,glass eyed wood lures,some still in their boxes, Pool table, Hand tools, Antique in red paint carpenters tool chest, Maytag vintage washing machine, Gardening tools, Floor Jack's, Two tow behind trailers, Old coke bottles, Antique scales,all sizes, Folk art weather vane,and a set of folk art handmade garden decorations, Large hammock, Ladders,all sizes, Railroad lanterns, 6 vintage folding wood chairs, very nice, Folding table, Box lot of tools, Bench grinder...

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