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KimsKorner / Blazing Auctions CHAGRIN FALLS (AUBURN) Downsizing Auction

online only auction5 day sale sale is over
  • Location Auburn Township, OH 44023

Sale Starts

Nov 2

Sale Ends

Nov 6

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 Description & Details

You will see that this auction has an abundance of different styles to accompany anyone's taste! Here, you will find french country, modern, neoclassical, rustic, mid century, and even more genres of styles! We also have collectable pieces like Black Americana, Elvis memorabilia, King Kamehameha statue, and a brass Arabic Dallah coffee pot. Don’t forget to check out our sports memorabilia dedicated to Indians(Guardians), Browns, Cavaliers, and Red Socks fans! There is also indoor and outdoor furniture, musical instruments, tools, military jerry cans, and even more! Pst, we are also slowly reintroducing christmas time back to you guys - get...

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