Linda's Tag Sales

estate sale2 day sale starts today
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    Please park carefully 
Oct 5
9am to 4pm
Oct 6
12pm to 4pm
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 Terms & Conditions
All items sold as is. Not responsible for accidents or injuries. Numbers will be given out at 8 am on Saturday. Any questions please call Linda Wilson at 419-625-5896.
 Description & Details

This is a great sale with LOTS of collectibles, furniture, and household items in good condition. Including: Ethan Allen dining room suite with a table with 2 leaves, 6 chairs, hutch, and corner cabinet, Slat back bench, Hammond cord organ, Several nice occasional chairs, Jamestown Sterling bedroom set with queen bed, dresser with mirror, 2 nightstands, and entertainment chest, Ethan Allen corner desk with bookcase, Bookcase, Chest, Spindle back armchair, Queen bed, Armoire, Dresser with mirror and shelves, Double bed mattress and springs, Nice sofa, Maple coffee table chest with drawers, Small maple chest, Sofa table, matching side table, Round...

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