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A&S ESTATE SALES Massive Milwaukie Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Portland, OR 97267 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Mar 3
10am to 4pm
Mar 4
11am to 4pm
Mar 5
10am to 4pm
Magnum Security Safe - measures 24" x 24" x 62"

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 Description & Details

This is going to be an awesome sale! House is super packed full!!! Click here to go to our website for updates. This sale features 100+ vintage/antique toy child’s sewing machines, tons of tools (lots of machinist), assorted collectibles, and fun kitschy stuff from the 60s to the 90s. This is one of those sales that has something very everyone. Here is a brief list of what you will find in this sale: Safe (Magnum Security, 24” x 24” x 62”) Electronics Philips 212 Electronic Turntable Sony STR-7800 SD FM Stereo/FM-AM Receiver NEC CD 410 CD Player Panasonic Omnivision VHS...

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