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Beautiful Estate Sale in Summerville

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Summerville, SC 29483 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5
10am to 1pm

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Neither Calibrie nor the homeowner will be held responsible for accidents or injury while on or around the property.
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 Description & Details

October 5th Saturday 10 am - 1pm Summerville Address will be posted on Friday Beautiful Home!! 2006 Lexus LS 430 192k miles. Excellent Condition! Beautiful furniture Dining room set Outdoor furniture Tables China cabinet China Glassware Kitchenware Washer and Dryer Christmas decorations Bedroom furniture Pocketbooks Clothes Artwork Rugs Leather Sofa Garage items Grill and more!! Going to be a great sale!! We have a ton of Southeastern Gallery and Signed Jim Booth prints we will be bringing to the sale. We have them listed separately on our website. We actually have 16 Booths for sale.

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