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Burns - 50% OFF!!!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Burns, TN 37029 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 5
8am to 3pm
Dec 6
8am to 3pm
Dec 7
8am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept Debit/Credit Cards/Cash/Checks with proper ID under 150 dollars. Not responsible for accidents. Employees are not responsible for loading merchandise. All sales are final and no returns. Cashier's check and cash for the vehicles and out buildings.
You may bring open boxes, buckets and baskets for shopping.
 Description & Details

The biggest Christmas sale we've ever had! But there's MORE! Furniture: 2 roll top desks, sofa, rocker, side chair, bookcases, cabinets, end tables, drop leaf table, sewing machine cabinet, tv console, trunks, garage shelving, round table, kitchen oak table and chairs, sofa table Garage: tools, ladders, sprayer, blower, trimmer, garden tools, big tool box, craftsman toolboxes, vice, grinder, coolers, commercial clothing racks Kitchen: tons of cookware, grilling, dinnerware new and vintage, Corning, Corell, dinnerware, servingware, Christmas Lenox, small kitchen appliances, cookware, iron skillets, microwave, new blender, glassware, utensils, flatware, knives, Tupperware, elegant servingware Other: books, quilts, linens, jewelry, vintage Home...

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