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Calvin & Charlene Dickinson Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cookeville, TN 38501 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 11
9am to 5pm
Nov 12
9am to 5pm
Nov 13
9am to 5pm

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 Terms & Conditions
**Terms and Conditions:
•Cash and approved checks only.
• We do not disclose prices before the sale.
•Everything sold as is, where is.
•Items are sold at discount starting on Friday at the discretion of New Leaf.
•This is a private home with no bathroom facilities for the public.
 Description & Details

Make plans now to be in Cookeville for this special November 11-13 weekend. These owners were world travelers that loved great art, delicious food, friends, history and fun. The staging looks to be pulled from the pages of Southern Living. Only the finest Antiques, Waterford, Spode, Lenox, fine local craft and art, original paintings, furniture, linens, catering supplies in mass, cookbooks, gourmet catering kitchen supplies, books, TTU history, fun vintage clothing, high end collections of fine jewelry. Sterling Silver flatware collections of Tiffany & Co., Kirk Steiff, a set of silver strawberry forks created in the 1860s. Event planners, wedding...

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