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Franklin Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Franklin, TN 37064 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 14
8am to 3pm
Oct 15
8am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept Debit/Credit Cards/Cash/Checks with proper ID under 150 dollars. Not responsible for accidents. Employees are not responsible for loading merchandise. All sales are final and no returns. Cashier's check and cash for the vehicles and out buildings.
You may bring open boxes, buckets and baskets for shopping.
 Description & Details

Great sale in the heart of Franklin. Very clean home with lots of Christmas decor and outside furniture. Furniture: wrought iron table set, glider, 2 chairs, white aluminum outside chairs, Magnovox console, bookcase, side tables, china cabinet, server, corner cabinet, desk, kitchen table set, washer/dryer set, refrigerator, freezer, computer desk, wood file cabinet, chest, quilt rack, wood bench, CD rack Kitchen: Corell set, Corning ware, cookware, utensils, knives, flatware, coffee pot, Tupperware, crockpot, glassware, Christmas glassware, Fostoria glassware, pottery, painted plates, oil lamps, Decor: wall decor, Nativity set, Christmas lines, quilts, Easter decor, Halloween and Fall decor, Curtains, outside metal...

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