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Case Winter Fine Art & Antiques Auction

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Jan 23
9am to 5pm
18th Century Pastel Portrait, Southern History

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TNGL #5157. 18% Buyer's Premium cash/check/certified funds. Credit cards also accepted. Click here or cut and paste into your browser to view our COMPLETE bidding information including FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
 Description & Details

Case Antiques Inc. Auctions & Appraisals Winter Fine Art, Antiques and Jewelry Auction Saturday, Jan. 23 at 9 AM EST - 2240 Sutherland Ave. (Historic Cherokee Mills) 900+ Lots of fine art, antiques, and jewelry. American and European Paintings, Western and Native American Art and Artifacts, Chinese Jade and other Asian Antiques, Historical Documents, Art Glass and Bronze Sculpture, Civil War, Advertising/Trade Signs, and an outstanding selection of Southern regional antiques. Featuring property from the estates of William Zarnon, Gatlinburg, TN; Anne Sexton Shockley and Margaret Pollock of Nashville, TN; Catherine Hoolick, Knoxville, TN; Eddie Jack Miller, Johnson City, TN;...

Case Antiques, Auctions & Appraisals

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