moved offsite to store3 day sale 9 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, February 27th, 2025.
Feb 28
3pm to 7pm
Mar 1
12pm to 4pm
Mar 2
12pm to 4pm
c.1853, Warner Smith and Co., Wilson County, TN, Brass Door Plate, very rare framed piece

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SHARP'S ESTATE SALE February 28 - March 2, 2025 Friday 3pm-7pm Saturday 12pm-4pm Sunday 12pm-4pm ~ NOTE ~ * Please bring help with you to load furniture, appliances, and/or any large items. Unfortunately, our staff is OLD (lol) ~ senior citizens in fact, and can no longer lift heavy loads, sorry. AND once again, * P lease be reminded we offer NO early previews, sales, or price quotes prior to 3:00pm on Friday, the first day of our estate sale. If you would like to be notified of SHARP'S upcoming estate sales, just e-mail and we'll add you to our...

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