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Adorable Avery Ranch **50% Off Sunday**

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Austin, TX 78717 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 27
10am to 3pm
Oct 28
10am to 3pm
Oct 29
10am to 3pm

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Cash and Credit Cards Accepted
All Sales Final
Everything Sold As-is
Sales Tax Collected
Full price Friday - 25% off Saturday - 50% off Sunday
Please bring loading help and packing material
All items must be removed by 3pm Sunday
 Description & Details

We had a lot of fun setting up this lovely and tasteful estate! For starters, we have a fun selection of Halloween, Christmas and other seasonal decor. For outdoor, we have an excellent condition 5-pc woven patio furniture set and a lot of substantial glazed pots. The client entertained her grandkids quite a bit so we have some great Lego sets, games and books. The names we all know from days gone by like Fenton, Fostoria, Lefton, Jeanette Carnival, Indiana, Federal glassware are all represented as well as Goebel figurines, Waterford and other crystal. I think we may have every...

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