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Balcones Village Bonanza **50% Off Sunday**

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Austin, TX 78750 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 16
10am to 3pm
Sep 17
10am to 3pm
Sep 18
10am to 3pm

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Cash and Credit Cards Accepted
All Sales Final
Everything Sold As-is
Sales Tax Collected
Full price Friday - 25% off Saturday - 50% off Sunday
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All items must be removed by 3pm Sunday
 Description & Details

Fantastically full estate sale in Balcones Village. The house is packed with something for everyone! The family lived in the house since the 1970's. The gentleman worked for a tobacco company and there are many collectable tobacco signs, tins, this and that and even an advertising clock. He and his sons were also woodworkers and built a sunroom filled with neat shabby chic and vintage items and also built a workshop that has tools and woodworking equipment. A vintage Ford ride-on tractor took up residency a long time ago. The backyard is huge with a lot of planters, decor, furniture...more...

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