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BH/ J Elliott Est Sales Dallas TX Vintage tools, gold & silver jewelry, watches, WWII items

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Dallas, TX 75248 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Mar 15
9am to 4pm
Mar 16
9am to 4pm
Mar 17
9am to 4pm
VERY RARE from World War Two - Signaling Searchlight  97203 US Navy WWII  Generator also available - priced separately. Includes light, stand, scope and scope case, and 4 extra bulbs. US Metal Products Co New York Navy Cont N0bs 20291

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 Description & Details

This lovely North Dallas home will be entirely liquidated with an estate sale the weekend of March 15-17 from 9am - 4pm, Fri, Sat, Sun. All contents in the home, garage and backyard workshop are for sale. Some of the items featured are: Vintage WWII search light with generator Vintage toolboxes and hand tools Yard and garden tools (rakes, shovels, axes) Lawn mower, leaf blowers Vintage women’s gold, white gold, and silver jewelry Unbelievably adorable vintage crocheted new born clothing Circa 1951 Korean silk kimono and scarfs Miami Dolphins circa 1970's autographed football Vintage Pyrex Amish Butterprint turquoise casserole dish...

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